The Apptimize iOS and Android SDKs use the device's clipboard in a limited way to enable pairing of production apps to the dashboard. Upon SDK initialization a check for the presence of a Pairing Token on the clipboard occurs in order to determine if a device belongs to the customer's team and should thus have pairing enabled for project configuration and QA purposes. You can disable this clipboard scanning (and related pairing functionality) as follows:
For iOS
- If you're initializing Apptimize by Adding your App Key to the plist file
- Set ApptimizeDevicePairingEnabled to NO in your project's info.plist file
- If you're initializing Apptimize by calling startApptimizeWithApplicationKey: or +startApptimizeWithApplicationKey:options:
- you'll need to set ApptimizeDevicePairingEnabled to NO as an option in your initialization of Apptimize with the startApptimizeWithApplicationKey:options: function.
For Android
Set ApptimizeOptions.setDeveloperModeDisabled() when initializing Apptimize SDK.
Note: Please note that your production apps will not be able to pair with the Apptimize dashboard once you have disabled pairing. This means that you will not be able to use the Visual Editor to create or modify experiments or Instant Updates with production apps, and cannot use the Preview Variant functionality on them. If doing this, please be mindful of the fact that visual changes made on debug versions of the app may not work the same in production as the compiler may change element paths when creating a production version of your app.
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